This is a reminder that March Break begins early for students this year, as Friday March 7th is a PA day.   The school will be closed from March 10th to 14th. Extended day programs will be operating  as usual on Friday and the March Break.

As you may be aware, the Waterloo Region District School Board’s school year calendar has designated March 7, 2014 as a Professional Development Day. Students will not be at school on this day. Traditionally, teaching staff participate in professional learning activities on days such as March 7, 2014.  However, based on direction provided by the Ministry of Education permanent contract elementary teachers in our elementary schools as well as elementary teachers who work at the Education Centre will be taking March 7th as an unpaid day and therefore will not be at work on that day.

March 7th, is a regular paid work day for all other staff including Long Term Occasional teachers. Staff attending work on March 7, 2014 will be participating in professional learning opportunities either through the board or through their appropriate Union.

On behalf of the staff of Silverheights school, we wish everyone a restful and enjoyable week off. We will see students back in classes on Monday March 17th.

-Mrs. Moen