WEDNESDAY April 27th, 2016

6:30 PM in the school library

Child Care is available – no need to pre-register

At Silverheights we are soaring to new heights by spreading our wings, opening our eyes, aiming high and reaching out!

  1. Call to Order 6:30pm
  2. Welcome and Introductions (5 min) Amanda Rilan
  3. Approval of January 2016 Minutes (5 min) All
  4. Approval of the Agenda (5 min) All
  5. Correspondence (10 Min) Amanda Rilan
  6. Principal Updates (10 min) Brenda Moen
  7. Vice Principal Updates (10 min) Wendy Campbell
  8. Teacher Representative Updates (10 min) Brad Thomson
  9. Silverheights Neighbourhood Association (5 min) Faye Wilson
  10. Finances Update (5 min) Amanda Rilan
  11. Distribution of Funds (15 min) Amanda Rilan
  12. Fundraising Updates/Plans (15 min) Amanda Rilan
  13. Questions/New Business (10 min)
  14. Principal Profile Input (15 min) Amanda Rilan /Council Parents
  15. Adjournment 8:30 pm**

** Approximate end time – meeting shall not exceed 8:30 pm due to child care.