Welcome Back!  We are excited to hear your summer stories and get to know our new friends.  Below are a coulple of reminders as we prepare for the school year!!

  • Thank you for your patience as we work through the criminal cyber attack.  We are doing our best to find alternatives to communicate effectively this fall.  Please expect more paper notices than usual and check your child’s backpack regularly.
  • A lot of paperwork comes home to be verified and signed.  Please return this promptly so we have up-to-date information about your children.
  • Please let us introduce Ms. Goudy – she is our new Vice-Principal and is very excited to join our community!
  • We are still being very respectful of your Covid safety precautions.  Students and staff still have the option to wear masks and we will continue to encourage excellent hand hygene.
  • Students and staff are still encouraged to do their Covid screening tests online and students are expected to stay home if they are symptomatic.
  • Please remember that student safety is our number one priority:
  1. Parking and student drop off in our parking lot is not allowed – bylaw will be with us all this week to help us keep kids safe.
  2. No pets allowed on school property.
  3. Caregivers for grades 1-8 will be allowed on school property for the month of Sept ONLY.  Please work with your child to arrange a routine of safe pick up and drop off.  As of Oct. 1st we are asking Caregivers to not come on school property until after the bell.
  4. Kindergarten drop off is hand over hand, caregiver to educator.
  5. Please cross the road at our crosswalk and follow the direction of our crossing guard.

Your child’s emotional/mental wellbeing is imporatnt to us.  Please reach out to the school early in the year if your child is stuggling in any way.  We will work in partnership to support you.

We are looking forward to re-connecting!

Be well

Mr. Stere – Principal

Ms. Goudy – Vice Principal