PIC Tutoring Starts April 3rd

Just a reminder, for students who are tutoring or being tutored our first session of PIC tutoring is starting this Thursday April 3rd  from 3-4pm in the library. Parents are asked to meet their students outside of the library promptly at the end of their session.    

Wheeling Safely

As soon as the snow starts to melt the bikes, scooters and skateboards come out.  They are great ways for kids to get exercise and are a fun way to get to school.  But they can cause safety concerns as well.  We ask students on bikes to get off and walk the bike onto school […]

PIC tutoring starting soon

Our Parent Involvement Committee of the Silverheights School Council tutoring program will be starting in April on Thursdays right after school in the library. We had great interest in the new program. Mrs. Smith and her committee will be contacting parents of students being tutored and parents of tutors with more details soon. Our thanks to […]

Cookie Dough Delivery

If you ordered cookie dough, don’t forget that PICK UP DAY IS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26TH.  Orders will be available at the  school from 3:00pm and 5:30pm in the gym.

School Council Meeting March 26th, 6:30

School Council Chair, Rhonda Barr, reminds all parents that the next School Council meeting is Wednesday March 26th at 6:30 in the Silverheights library.  There is babysitting provided.  All are welcome!    

School Council PIC tutoring

The Parent Involvement Committee of our School Council , with Mrs. Menna Smith as chair, is offering a new peer tutoring program in April and May.  The tutoring will be for Grade 3-6 students and the tutors will be Grade 7 and 8, as well as some High School students.  The sessions are for 30 minutes and […]

March Break beginning soon

This is a reminder that March Break begins early for students this year, as Friday March 7th is a PA day.   The school will be closed from March 10th to 14th. Extended day programs will be operating  as usual on Friday and the March Break. As you may be aware, the Waterloo Region District School […]

Pizza orders are due tomorrow, Thursday, March 6th

No late orders will be accepted, both in person or online after this date. Thank you!  

Welcome Constable Quinlan

Constable Quinlan of the  Waterloo Region Police Service is our new Comunity Resource Officer.  The WRPS has assigned time for officers to visit schools, speak with students and make connections in our community.  He is a really nice gentleman.  If you see him around the school feel free to say hello. -Mrs. Moen

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