Conestoga Summer Camp 2014

Conestoga Summer Camp 2014 Conestoga College is offering a Summer Camp for children ages 5-12. The program will run from 9 am-4pm.  The weekly rate is $200 per child.  There is before and after school care available( 7:30-9:00 and 4:00-5:30) at an additional cost of $5.00 per day.  Program fee assistance may be available.  Links to […]


We think we may have a new record for lost items here at the Heights.  We have THREE tables of lost shoes, boots, gloves, hats, coats, snowpants, sweaters and much much more.  The items are all on display outside the office, and will be on display until Thursday March 6th, the last day before March break […]

School Council Cookie Dough Fundraiser Coming Soon

                     Thank you for supporting the Tasty Batters School Council fundraiser.  The orders are being processed now. We appreciate your  help in making this fundraiser a success! Please Note: PICK UP DAY IS TENTATIVELY SET  FOR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26TH. However, we will receive   delivery confirmation from Tasty Batters closer to that time and will be   sending home a […]

Medic Alert Offer

The Canadian MedicAlert Foundation in partnership with the WRDSB offers free medical identification services for Silverheights students.  The program is called the No Child Without program. This is a program for students with Anaphylactic Allergies, Epilepsy, Hemophilia, Diabetes, Asthma or other serious medical conditions requiring potential emergency care. The program is open to students from age […]

School-Day and Pizza!

Pizza Day will run during the 2nd nutrition break every Wednesday, starting March 19th and ending May 28th.  Pizza will be provided by Gino’s Pizza, cheese only. The ordering options are: 1 slice of pizza = $16.50 2 slices of pizza = $33.00 3 slices of pizza=$49.50 Order forms were sent home Monday, February 24th, […]


We are excited to annouce, that School-Day is live! School-Day is an online portal that lets us instantly share school news and events with parents.  With School-Day, you will be able to receive school news and announcements, complete permission forms, and pay for any school service, product or event, all online.  We are sure that […]

School is Open today, but buses are cancelled, Feb 21

This is a reminder to Parents/Guardians regarding inclement weather. Please check the following places for updates regarding cancellations and whether the school is open: your local news stations, 570 news, Kool fm 105.3 etc, CHYM fm, 91.5 the beat etc Waterloo Region District School Board’s website : or their twitter feed: Waterloo Region DSBT. […]

Chess Club Cancelled after school today.

Mr. Jones is away today, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newest addition to his family.

Staff Celebrate 1980

To fight the February blahs, and forget the snow, the staff celebrated  Throwback Thursday to 1980 today.  Some dressed up, had 1980’s music and 1980’s snacks in the staffroom.  They even brought pictures from 1980.  In some cases they were baby pictures and in some cases high school pictures. There were even some staff who couldn’t […]

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