Rise To Success Workshop- April 12th

The WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee Presents Rise to Success- Supporting Your Child In School on April 12th from 9:00am – 2:45pm at Bluevale Collegiate Institute 80 Bluevale Street North, Waterloo Keynote Speaker: KEYNOTE SPEAKER —MICHAEL REIST  Author of WHAT EVERY PARENT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SCHOOL FREE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS Bag lunch – available for $2 […]

Term 1 Report Cards

were sent home today, Monday, February 10th. Please sign and return the last sheet, and send back in the envelope. Thank you!

After School Activities

are cancelled today, Wed Feb 5, 2014 due to the weather conditions. Specifically, the girls basketball game at Moffat Creek after school is cancelled.

Skating Trips Cancelled

Dear Parents/Guardians Recently there has been a change in WRDSB policy regarding helmets for skating. Effective immediately, all students involved in skating activities during school and Board-related events are required to wear a valid Canadian Standards Association (CSA)-approved head protection while on the ice for skating activities. CSA-approved hockey-styled helmets bearing a valid CSA certification […]

Crazy Hair Day Friday Jan 31

Just a reminder that CrAzY Hair Day is this Friday! Due to extremely cold weather, if you choose to participate in CrAzY Hair Day, your’re reminded to dress appropriately. Wearing a hat, toque or hood will keep you safe and warm.  It can also add to your crazy hair! A few more ideas are: wearing […]

Further JK/SK Registration Information

We are excited to register your child for Kindergarten! You can register your Junior Kindergarten (JK) or new-to-school Senior Kindergarten (SK) students at Silverheights school on the week of  February 10 until Friday, February 14, 2014, during regular school office hours. Please call to book an appointment. The school number is (519) 658-9023. If you […]

Update Immunizations or Records

Every year at this time the Region of Waterloo Public Health Department issues letters to parents of students who are missing immunizations. If you receive a letter from Region of Waterloo Public Health saying that your child/children are missing immunizations, please act on it right away.  Their records may be out of date, if so contact […]

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration for September 2014 has begun.  It’s time to register for our Kindergarten programs. Children born in 2010 are eligible for our Junior Kindergarten program Children born in 2009 are eligible for our Senior Kindergarten program. Please note: Students presently enrolled in the Junior Kindergarten program do not need to re-register for the Senior […]

Reminder: School Council Meeting

Wednesday, Jan 22 in the school library,  6:30pm.

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