Wed Oct 26th, 2016

6:30pm in school library

Babysitting is available.

Everyone is Welcome!



Wednesday October 26, 2016

6:30 pm in the school library

At Silverheights we are soaring to new heights by spreading our wings, opening our eyes, aiming high and reaching out!

  1. Call to order 6:30pm
  2. Welcome and Introductions (Helen Brown / Amanda Rilan)
  3. Approval of September 2016 minutes
  4. Approval of tonight’s’ agenda
  5. Correspondence (Helen Brown)
  6. Principal and VP updates (Leslie McNabb / Val Martin)
  7. Teacher representative updates (Chad Moffat)
  8. Silverheights Neighbourhood Association updates (Faye Wilson)
  9. Finance updates
  10. Questions & New business
  11. Meeting adjournment approx. 8:30 pm